Why is my sd card not showing up on android? Why is my phone not reading my sd card? SD card was detected on android mobile but sd card is not displaying correctly and it has error messages? Memory card not detected in mobile and pc how to repair?
Sd card not recognized in Android mobile phones Samsung Galaxy HTC Blackberry Xiaomi Mortorola etc.? Usually when sd card is not working on phone, it usually turned out to be the following cases.
How do I get my android phone to read my SD card? To determine the target where the error comes from, you may try the following two steps.
Try sd card on different phones; or try different sd card on the phone
Here are something you could do when sd card is not detected or not working on your phone.
#1 - Power off phone, reboot and see whether it would work
#2 - Pull out sd card, slide it in the phone, and then reboot phone
#3 - Take out the sd card, clean it with a swab, reinsert it back to phone, reboot phone
#4 - Unmount sd card on phone and reload sd card, mount it again
#5 - Factory reset, wipe data and format sd card during factory reset
The above steps are keys when your sd card or micro sd card suddenly stopped working in your phone after android update.
Also read: phone cannot detect sd card after android update
A simple example is that sd card has fat32 file system while your phone only reads FAT file system. This case usually happens for old mobile phones when they were set to recognize sd card with FAT file system, especially 1GB sd card in old days.
How to tell which file system does my sd card has?
Here are the way you may check what file system your sd card is holding by inserting it to a computer via a card reader, and then right click your sd card -> properties, which would show the information of your sd card.
Right click your sd card in computer -> properties, to check sd card file system
SD card shows its file system in properties in Windows computer
Here are four times that you may try which file system that matches your android phone. You may format it to FAT and then reinsert sd card to your phone to see whether it can be detected; if not, try the next until your phone could recognize your sd, or micro sd card.
Format sd card to a file system that your phone could recognize. The file system format option is only available on Windows computer.
Here are the steps to format sd card to a different file system:
Note: This format file system option is only available in Windows computers, you won't be able to get it formatted with the mobile phone since it does not provide the format file system options.
All failed? You may try the following solutions.
It's the sd card outdated driver that may make the sd card not readable. You may update the sd card on a computer and it can only be done with the help of a computer.
Note: this is a key when an sd card is not recognized on a computer, it maybe is a slight cause for an sd card that suddenly does not work on a mobile, however you may try it free to see any luck.
Here are the steps to update sd card driver on Windows computer.
More ways to update sd card driver here: sd card driver install [4 free tools]
How do you fix a undetected SD card? When sd card is not detected on mobile phone, the only option is to repair it on a computer with the following methods.
SD card not detected on Windows? Fix it here: SD card not detected on computer [10 fixes]
Insert your sd card to a computer, open 'This PC', right click your sd card -> properties -> Tools -> Check -> Repair drive
SD card not detected on pc? Fix it here: SD card not recognized on computer [10 fixes]
Here are the steps to repair sd card on Windows computer with chkdsk
Chkdsk not available? See solution: chkdsk is not available for raw drives sd card [8 fixes]
Or you may try 'chkdsk /f/r i:' when i shall be replaced by your own sd card drive letter in this case.
Still not working? Try more methods here: how to fix sd card not working [7 free ways]
The physical damages on sd card could be fetal when chips are damaged, sd card would easily be gone.
There are usually caused by virus, phsical damage, chip damage, lifespan...
When your sd card cannot be repaired by methods from logical damage repairs, then it could be dead.
Also read: 10 ways to fix corrupted memory card
Besides the sd card cannot be detected on cellphone when sd card has logical/physical errors, there is another scenario that sd card does show up in mobile but it does not work properly, for example
If this ever occurred to your memory card, see more fixes here: sd card detected but not supported [5 fixes]
It's weird that when sd card is detected on the android, however it don't display files, the images, videos on the sd card.
Resolution: the sd card may have logical damages that can be fixed easily by formatting it again on your phone or computer. Here are something you could do when your sd card is not working properly on your phone.
Guide: how to format sd card on Windows pc[7 tools free]
10 ways to fix corrupted memory card
Memory card not detected in mobile and pc? SD card not showing up in file manager android? When sd card is not recognized on android nor Windows 10 computer, the sd card is probabaly having a driver issue that you may update its sd card driver on Windows computer by the following methods.
Also read: how to fix sd card not detected on device manager; or Fix SD card not showing up in android [7 ways]
The Truth: You need to know when your sd card cannot be fixed in any way on any device, it's most likely that the sd card is dead that cannot be repaired. You may buy a new one to replace its job on your phone.
Last updated on July 18, 2024
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