How to Fix CPU Fan Error on Windows PC Boot - 5 ways

Get a CPU Fan Error on Startup of Your Windows PC?

"Hello folks, I have a Windows 7 Asus PC which always runs fine in the past two years. However, recently, don’t know why I always get a CPU fan error saying: 'CPU Fan Error! Press F1 to continue' on startup. Though the computer is still able to boot up smoothly after following the error message to pressing F1 button, I still want to know whether there is really a problem with my computer CPU fans or entire computer. Do you have any idea about what causes such CPU fan error on boot? What can I do to fix such CPU fan error problems? Do I have to change another CPU fan? Please help me! Thanks!"

Hello, friends! The computer CPU Fan errors do not always indicate a broken or damaged computer fan issue or other computer hardware issues. Hence, do not panic and go on reading this article to know more reasons and solutions of these CPU fan error problems in this POST. Honestly, in some cases, you can merely go change some computer settings to resolve such CPU fan problems.

How to Remove CPU Fan Error on Boot - 5 fixes

After reading and understanding why people will receive the related CPU fan error warning message, you can go start to resolve such CPU fan problems with the below clues:

1). Open BIOS and change the CPU fan settings
If you really did have changed the BIOS setting before, just reboot your PC and reopen the BIOS interface to reset the fan elements back.

And here are some common steps for you to take as references:
Step1: Enter the BIOS screen by clicking F2, F12 or Del buttons after rebooting your computer.
Step2. Click Power tab and highlight Hardware monitor option from the popped-out list.
Step3. Select CPU FAN SPEED option and change it into IGNORED.
Step4. Click CHASSIS FAN SPEED option and change it into N/A.
Step5. Pick the last option: POWER FAN SPEED and change it into IGNORED.
And then, generally, the computer will not give such CPU fan error message again.
But, if your computer BIOS settings of the CPU fans are not changed, also do not worry. Just go to the next step.

2). Check whether the CPU fan works well with proper speed
And now, shut down your computer correctly and open the computer host to check whether the CPU fan work well with proper speed. If it runs unbearably slowly, you’d better go check it carefully to see what you can do to speed it up.

Please Note:
* Back up important computer data well on another external hard drive or flash drive before you turn off your PC in case of any unexpected computer data loss trouble.
* Remove the connected USB drive, SD memory card and USB hard drive before powering off your computer as well to avoid corrupted hard drive file loss issues.

3). Clean your CPU fans completely

clean cpu fan
After checking the computer CPU fans and finding they all are very dusty, merely go clean the dust completely. Just use your common ways to remove the dust off from these fans.
Of course, if possible, also clean the other components at the same time to avoid farther overheated PC issues.

4). Reconnect your CPU fans correctly

reconnect cpu fan
There are often a couple of CPU fans connection ports set on the computer motherboard so that people could connect multiple fans with different types at the same time. And, the other ports for other computer components are also really similar to the ports of your CPU fans. So, it is really possible for some users to wrongly insert their CPU fans. However, if you really incorrectly connect your fans there, also do not worry. Go remove it and try to connect them with other ports there to take chances.

5). Change new CPU fans
When you really unluckily get a corrupted or broken fan, merely go purchase and change a new one instead.
Overall, no matter how your CPU fan error problem goes, always act carefully to cause no farther computer component damages. Of course, if possible, also do act these methods under the guide of experts.

How to Resolve Overheated Computer Problems Caused by CPU Fan Error?

Also unfortunately get overheated computer problems due to such CPU fan error issues? No panic! Even though the like too hot PC problems is able to bring many troublesome issues, like damaging computer hard drive, slowing down the computer, freezing or even corrupting the computer without warning and more, you can also take measures to resolve such overheated PC problems with ease.  

1). Use external fans or heat dissipation devices to cool your computer
If you really get a corrupted CPU fan and also get no time to change another new one, just go try to use some external fans or heat dissipation devices to cool your computer as soon as possible. For example, the commonly-used small USB fans, electronic tower fans, household stand fans and even the air conditioners are all able to be the devices for you to cool your PC soon.

2). Decrease computer CPU usage
And then, since the related overheated computer issues also are able to be aroused by too high CPU usage, you merely try to decrease the computer usage to release the too hot computer issues. For instance, you can immediately go end all unused games, apps and documents to take chances. Of course, of you are seeing some movies, listening to some music or applying some very large programs, also close them all to have another try.

3). Close your PC and wait for a while to reboot, if possible
And now, in order to release the too hot computer issues, you can also close this PC and wait for a while to reboot.
Overall, always operate your computer rightly and safely to avoid worse situations.

Why You Get CPU Fan Error in POST?

Generally, there are a couple of causes that can let the computer users receive the related CPU Fan error message in POST. Hence, in order to fix this computer fan issue, you are also firstly supposed to know the reasons why you get such error problems at first, just like:

1).Inappropriately set your fans information in BIOS interface
Have you opened the BIOS interface to accidentally or purposely reset your CPU fan information before you face such fan error warning? Honestly, in daily use, when your computer cannot detect the connected CPU fans or detect no fan speed at all since you do have inappropriately changed the fan settings. Hence, in such cases, changing the fan settings back is what you are supposed to do firstly. 

2). CPU Fan runs too slowly due to dust or too low quality
Generally, the related CPU fan errors come to computer users when CPU fan runs too slowly or even merely stops working because the used fans are stuck by dust over the time or the fan is in too low quality. Hence, go check and clean your CPU fans could be what you need to do next.

3).Incorrectly connected your CPU fan
Are you sure you do have correctly connected your PC CPU fans? Have you dropped/shocked your computer or reconnect the CPU fans recently to cause a loose or faulty connection? Honestly, you can also get stuck in such CPU fan error problems since the fan is wrongly connected there. So, go reconnect it to take chances.

4). CPU fans are damaged or broken and cause too overheated PC problems
And then, if you make sure that the related fan problems are not aroused by the reasons listed above, you may have to check whether there are some physical CPU fan problems. For instance, when your fans are really damaged or broken and could not work completely, such CPU fan error message will surely show up on your computer boot screen in order to help you avoid some worse overheated computer problems, like computer freezing suddenly, computer crashing unexpectedly, too slow computer performance issues and more.
Overall, no matter which one of these causes is proper for your cases, do not take it as granted that you do have to replace the CPU fans with new ones.

Last updated on Sept 10, 2024

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